Saturday, 20 May 2017

Get to know what Chinese people are doing in internet

The usage of Internet in China has improved in the past few years and the percentage of Internet usage was 1.8% in the year 2001 according to a report of 2015 the percentage has gradually increased to 45.8 %. Presently and the population of Chinese people in online is 668 million and 75 percentage of the people using internet are living in urban areas. There are many social networks available in China in some of them are QZone, Sina Weibo, Youku, Tencent Weibo, Renren and Tudou. Meanwhile the instant messaging applications such as QQ messenger WeChat marketing are also dominating many people in China. Around 95% of Chinese people are being the member in any of the social networking sites.
Progress of internet usage in China
Recently a survey reports that China is using plenty of E-Commerce sites comparing other countries in the world. Nearly 75% of people in China have purchased various items on e-commerce websites in the last month. Though the Chinese people are being very active in Internet and they still do not have proper interactions and brand advertisements through Internet when compared with the Internet users in western countries. For example a recent study mentions that were only 75 percentage of Chinese people have visited the branded websites where 44 percentage of us people visits brand websites for various reasons. This shows how the Chinese people are lagging in attaining the quality online service or content.

Generally Chinese people use to spend around 6 hours in online in a day Meanwhile the time they spend on the mobile device have also increased to 35 percentage in the last 3 years. The percentage is being increased for every 2.25 hours in a day. Hence without any doubt the mobile Internet will develop in Chinese economic as well as cultural significance. Already the usage of smartphones in China has increased to 87 % it is 75 percentage of global average. If this is progressing to the further levels then the experience of mobile internet in China will also improve all over the world and there is no doubt about it.
General activities of Chinese people in internet
Many people from other countries would like to know what is very interesting about using Internet in China. If you are one among them then you can go to the following points to get to know about that.

  • It is found that a significant amount of people in China are using virtual private networks access the content anonymously. Actually many online contents are being censored in the country there for people who want to access all those contents are using this virtual private networks.
  • I study reports that most of the Internet uses in China are interested in taking part in political activities through Internet. In order to gain social capital they are using online platforms but Mini digital disparity between the Chinese people affect the participation of people in such activities.
  • Many of the people are going online mainly to explore the culture and other things of China and many other countries similarly many people are using Internet mainly for the entertainment.

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